Aviso de privacidad y protección de datos
A continuación le informamos sobre la recopilación de datos personales cuando utiliza nuestro sitio web. Los datos personales son datos que pueden referirse personalmente a usted, por ejemplo, nombre, dirección y direcciones de correo electrónico.
I. Nombre y dirección de la parte responsable
La parte responsable en el sentido del Reglamento general de protección de datos de la UE y otras leyes nacionales de protección de datos de los Estados miembros, así como otras disposiciones de la ley de protección de datos son:
705 A, Silvercord
Tower 2, 30 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 8191 4934
II. Nombre y dirección del representante en la Unión
El representante en la Unión en virtud del artículo 27 de la RGPD es:
Maetzler Rechtsanwalts GmbH & Co KG
Attorneys at Law
c/o MMOGA Ltd.
Schellinggasse 3/10, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Please add the following subject to all correspondence:
GDPR-REP ID: 16925667
III. Nombre y dirección del oficial de protección de datos
El oficial de protección de datos de la parte responsable es:
Sr. Eric Chen
705 A, Silvercord
Tower 2, 30 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Hong Kong
IV. Información general sobre el procesamiento de datos
1. Alcance del procesamiento de datos personales
Solo recopilamos y utilizamos datos personales de nuestros usuarios siempre que sea necesario para proporcionar un sitio web funcional, así como nuestros contenidos y servicios. La recopilación y el uso de los datos personales de nuestros usuarios se realiza regularmente solo con el consentimiento del usuario. Se aplica una excepción en los casos en que no se puede obtener el consentimiento previo por razones reales y el procesamiento de los datos está permitido por las reglamentaciones legales.
2. Base legal para el procesamiento de datos personales
En la medida en que obtengamos el consentimiento del interesado para el tratamiento de los datos personales, el art. 6 lit. a) El Reglamento general de protección de datos de la UE (EURGPD) sirve como base jurídica para el procesamiento de datos personales.
En el tratamiento de los datos personales necesarios para la ejecución de un contrato en el que el interesado es parte, el artículo 6 (1) lit. b) EURGPD servirá como base legal. Esto también se aplica a las operaciones de procesamiento que son necesarias para llevar a cabo medidas precontractuales.
En la medida en que el procesamiento de los datos personales es necesario para cumplir una obligación legal a la que está sujeta nuestra empresa, el art. 6 (1) lit. c EURGPD sirve como base legal.
Si el procesamiento es necesario para mantener un interés legítimo de nuestra empresa o un tercero y los intereses, los derechos fundamentales y las libertades del interesado no superan el interés anterior, el art. 6 (1) lit. f EURGPD sirve como base legal para el procesamiento.
3. Borrado de datos y duración de almacenamiento
Los datos personales de la persona en cuestión serán eliminados o bloqueados tan pronto como se elimine el propósito del almacenamiento. Además, dicho almacenamiento puede tener lugar si así lo estipula el legislador europeo o nacional en las reglamentaciones, leyes u otras reglamentaciones de la UE a las que está sujeto el controlador. El bloqueo o eliminación de los datos también tiene lugar cuando expira un período de almacenamiento prescrito por las normas mencionadas, a menos que sea necesario almacenar más los datos para la celebración de un contrato o el cumplimiento del contrato.
V. Suministro del sitio web y creación de archivos de registro
1. Descripción y alcance del procesamiento de datos
Cada vez que se accede a nuestro sitio web, nuestro sistema recopila automáticamente datos e información del sistema informático de la computadora que llama.
Los siguientes datos se recopilan aquí:
(1) Información sobre el tipo de navegador y la versión utilizada
(2) El sistema operativo del usuario
(3) El proveedor de servicios de Internet del usuario
(4) La dirección IP del usuario
(5) Fecha y hora de acceso
(6) Sitios web desde los cuales el sistema del usuario llega a nuestro sitio web
(7) Sitios web a los que accede el sistema del usuario a través de nuestro sitio web
Los datos también se almacenan en los archivos de registro de nuestro sistema. No se lleva a cabo el almacenamiento de estos datos junto con otros datos personales del usuario.
2. Base legal para el procesamiento de datos
La base legal para el almacenamiento de datos y archivos de registro es el art. 6 (1) lit. f) EURGPD.
3. Propósito del procesamiento de datos
El almacenamiento temporal de la dirección IP por parte del sistema es necesario para permitir que el sitio web se entregue a la computadora del usuario. Para esto, la dirección IP del usuario debe permanecer guardada durante la sesión.
Los datos se almacenan en archivos de registro para garantizar la funcionalidad del sitio web. Además, los datos nos sirven para optimizar el sitio web y garantizar la seguridad de nuestros sistemas de tecnología de la información. Una evaluación de los datos para fines de comercialización no tiene lugar en este contexto.
Nuestro legítimo interés en el procesamiento de datos de acuerdo con el art. 6 (1) lit. f) EURGPD también se encuentra en estos propósitos.
4. Duración del almacenamiento de datos
Los datos se eliminarán tan pronto como ya no sean necesarios para lograr el propósito para el que fueron recolectados. En el caso de la recopilación de datos para la provisión del sitio web, este es el caso cuando la sesión respectiva ha finalizado.
Si los datos se almacenan en archivos de registro, este es el caso después de siete días a más tardar. Un ahorro adicional es posible. En este caso, las direcciones IP de los usuarios se eliminan o enajenan, por lo que ya no es posible realizar una asignación del cliente llamante.
5. Posibilidad de oposición y eliminación
La recopilación de datos para la provisión del sitio web y el almacenamiento de los datos en los archivos de registro es esencial para el funcionamiento del sitio web. Por lo tanto, no hay contradicción por parte del usuario.
VI. Uso de cookies
1. Descripción y alcance del procesamiento de datos
Para que la visita a nuestro sitio web sea atractiva y para permitir el uso de ciertas funciones, utilizamos las llamadas cookies en varias páginas. Estos son pequeños archivos de texto que están almacenados en su dispositivo. Algunas de las cookies que utilizamos se eliminan después del final de la sesión del navegador, es decir, después del cierre de su navegador (las llamadas cookies transitorias). Otras cookies permanecen en el dispositivo y nos permiten a nosotros o a nuestro afiliado reconocer su navegador en su próxima visita (cookies persistentes).
Las cookies transitorias se eliminan automáticamente cuando cierra el navegador. Estos incluyen en particular las cookies de sesión. Estos almacenan una llamada ID de sesión, con la cual se pueden asignar varias solicitudes de su navegador a la sesión común. Esto permitirá que su computadora sea reconocida cuando regrese a nuestro sitio web. Las cookies de sesión se eliminan cuando cierra la sesión o cierra el navegador.
Los siguientes datos se almacenan y transmiten en las cookies persistentes:
(1) Información sobre los participantes de nuestro programa de afiliados, tvia cuyo enlace ha ingresado un cliente en nuestra tienda
2. Base legal para el procesamiento de datos
La base legal para el procesamiento de datos personales que utilizan cookies es el art. 6 (1) lit. f) EURGPD.
3. Propósito del procesamiento de datos
El objetivo de utilizar cookies técnicamente necesarias es simplificar el uso de sitios web para los usuarios. Algunas funciones de nuestro sitio web no pueden ofrecerse sin el uso de cookies. Para esto es necesario que el navegador sea reconocido incluso después de un cambio de página.
Necesitamos cookies para las siguientes aplicaciones:
(1) Cesta de compra
(2) Proceso de pago de inicio de sesión
(3) Medir el rendimiento de los participantes en el programa de afiliados
Los datos de usuario recopilados por las cookies técnicamente necesarias no se usarán para crear perfiles de usuario.
Por estas razones, nuestro interés legítimo también radica en el procesamiento de datos personales de acuerdo con el art. 6 (1) lit. f) EURGPD.
4. Duración del almacenamiento de datos y posibilidad de oposición y eliminación
Las cookies se almacenan en la computadora del usuario y se transmiten a nuestro sitio. Por lo tanto, como usuario, usted tiene control total sobre el uso de cookies. Al cambiar la configuración en su navegador de Internet, puede desactivar o restringir la transmisión de cookies. Las cookies ya guardadas se pueden eliminar en cualquier momento. Esto también se puede hacer de forma automática. Si las cookies están deshabilitadas para nuestro sitio web, puede que no sea posible utilizar al máximo todas las funciones del sitio web.
VII. Boletín de noticias
1. Descripción y alcance del procesamiento de datos
Con su consentimiento, puede suscribirse a nuestro boletín de noticias, que le informa sobre nuestras ofertas interesantes actuales. Los bienes y servicios anunciados se nombran en la declaración de consentimiento.
Para registrarse en nuestro boletín, usamos el llamado procedimiento de doble opción. Esto significa que después de que se haya registrado, le enviaremos un correo electrónico a la dirección de correo electrónico especificada en la que le pedimos que confirme que desea recibir el boletín informativo. Si no confirma su registro dentro de las 24 horas, su información será bloqueada y borrada automáticamente después de un mes. Además, almacenamos sus direcciones IP y los horarios de registro y confirmación. El objetivo del procedimiento es comprobar su registro y, si es necesario, aclarar el posible uso indebido de sus datos personales.
El único requisito para enviar el boletín es su dirección de correo electrónico. Después de su confirmación, guardaremos su dirección de correo electrónico con el fin de enviarle el boletín informativo.
2. Base legal para el procesamiento de datos
La base legal es el art. 6 (1) lit. a) EURGPD.
3. Propósito del procesamiento de datos
La recopilación de la dirección de correo electrónico del usuario sirve para entregar el boletín.
4. Duración del almacenamiento de datos
La dirección de correo electrónico se almacenará mientras exista la suscripción al boletín.
5. Posibilidad de oposición y eliminación
Puede revocar su consentimiento para el envío del boletín informativo en cualquier momento y darse de baja del boletín informativo. Puede declarar la cancelación haciendo clic en el enlace proporcionado en cada correo electrónico del boletín de noticias, por correo electrónico a o enviando un mensaje a los datos de contacto que figuran en el pie de imprenta.
VIII. Inscripción
1. Descripción y alcance del procesamiento de datos
En nuestro sitio web, ofrecemos a los usuarios la oportunidad de registrarse al proporcionar información personal. Los datos se ingresan en una máscara de entrada y se nos transmiten y almacenan. La transferencia de los datos a terceros tiene lugar únicamente en la medida en que nuestras empresas asociadas necesiten los datos para el procesamiento de pedidos. Los siguientes datos se recopilan durante el proceso de registro en nuestro sitio web:
(1) Género
(2) Nombre y apellido
(3) Dirección de correo electrónico
(4) Dirección
(5) Contraseña
En el momento del registro, también se almacenan los siguientes datos:
(1) Dirección IP
(2) Fecha y hora de registro
Como parte del proceso de registro, se obtiene el consentimiento del usuario para procesar estos datos.
2. Base legal para el procesamiento de datos
En el caso del consentimiento, la base legal para procesar los datos del usuario es el art. 6. (1) encendido. un EURGPD. Si el registro sirve para el cumplimiento de un contrato del que el usuario es parte o la ejecución de medidas precontractuales, la base jurídica adicional para el procesamiento de los datos es el art. 6. (1) encendido. b) EURGPD.
3. Propósito del procesamiento de datos
La inscripción del usuario es necesario para cumplir un contrato con el usuario o para llevar a cabo medidas precontractuales.
4. Duración del almacenamiento de datos
Los datos se eliminarán tan pronto como ya no sean necesarios para su recopilación.
Este es el caso durante el registro para cumplir un contrato o para llevar a cabo medidas precontractuales cuando los datos ya no son necesarios para la ejecución del contrato. Incluso después de la celebración del contrato, puede haber una necesidad de almacenar datos personales de la parte contratante para cumplir con las obligaciones contractuales o legales.
5. Posibilidad de oposición y eliminación
Como usuario, tiene la opción de cancelar el registro en cualquier momento. Puede cambiar los datos almacenados sobre usted en cualquier momento.
Póngase en contacto con nosotros en la dirección que figura en el pie de imprenta o escriba un correo electrónico a
Si los datos son necesarios para el cumplimiento de un contrato o para la ejecución de medidas precontractuales, una eliminación prematura de los datos solo es posible, en la medida en que las obligaciones contractuales o legales no impidan una obligación de eliminación.
IX. Uso de nuestra tienda web
Si desea realizar el pedido en nuestra tienda online, es necesario que para la celebración del contrato proporcione los datos personales que necesitamos para completar su pedido. Los datos requeridos para el procesamiento de los contratos se marcan por separado. La información adicional es voluntaria. Procesamos los datos proporcionados por usted para procesar su pedido. Para este propósito, podemos pasar sus datos a terceros. La base legal para esto es el art. 6 (1) lit. b) EURGPD:
Debido a las regulaciones comerciales y fiscales, estamos obligados a almacenar su dirección, datos de pago y datos de pedido por un período de diez años. Sin embargo, después de dos años, restringiremos el procesamiento de sus datos, es decir, sus datos solo se usarán para cumplir con las obligaciones legales.
X. Formulario de contacto y contacto por correo electrónico
1. Descripción y alcance del procesamiento de datos
En nuestro sitio web hay un formulario de contacto disponible, que se puede utilizar para el contacto electrónico. Si un usuario acepta esta opción, los datos ingresados en la máscara de entrada se nos transmitirán y se guardarán. Estos datos son:
(1) Dirección de correo electrónico
(2) Hora del envío del correo electrónico
Para el procesamiento de los datos en el contexto del proceso de envío, se obtiene su consentimiento y se hace referencia a esta declaración de privacidad.
Alternativamente, es posible contactar a través de la dirección de correo electrónico proporcionada. En este caso, se almacenarán los datos personales del usuario transmitidos por correo electrónico.
En este contexto, no hay divulgación de los datos a terceros. Los datos se usan exclusivamente para procesar la conversación.
2. Base legal para el procesamiento de datos
En caso de consentimiento, la base legal para procesar los datos del usuario es el art. 6. (1) encendido. a) EURGPD. La base legal para el procesamiento de los datos transmitidos durante el envío de un correo electrónico es el art. 6 (1) lit. f) EURGPD. Si el contacto por correo electrónico tiene como objetivo la celebración de un contrato, la base legal adicional para el procesamiento es el art. 6 (1) lit. b) EURGPD.
3. Propósito del procesamiento de datos
El procesamiento de los datos personales de la máscara de entrada nos sirve solo para procesar el contacto. En el caso de contacto por correo electrónico, esto también incluye el interés legítimo requerido en el procesamiento de los datos.
Los demás datos personales procesados durante el proceso de envío sirven para evitar el uso indebido del formulario de contacto y para garantizar la seguridad de nuestros sistemas de tecnología de la información.
4. Duración del almacenamiento de datos
Los datos se eliminarán tan pronto como ya no sean necesarios para su recopilación. Para los datos personales del formulario de entrada del formulario de contacto y los enviados por correo electrónico, este es el caso cuando la conversación respectiva con el usuario ha finalizado. La conversación termina cuando se puede deducir de las circunstancias que los hechos relevantes han sido finalmente aclarados.
Los datos personales adicionales recopilados durante el proceso de envío se eliminarán a más tardar después de un período de siete días.
5. Posibilidad de oposición y eliminación
El usuario tiene la posibilidad en cualquier momento de revocar su consentimiento para el procesamiento de los datos personales. Si el usuario se contacta con nosotros por correo electrónico, puede oponerse al almacenamiento de sus datos personales en cualquier momento. En tal caso, la conversación no puede continuar.
Póngase en contacto con nosotros en la dirección que figura en el pie de imprenta o escriba un correo electrónico a
Todos los datos personales almacenados durante el contacto serán eliminados en este caso.
XI. Nota sobre Google Analytics
Este sitio web utiliza Google Analytics, un servicio de análisis web de Google Inc. (Google). Google Analytics utiliza "cookies", que son archivos de texto ubicados en su computadora, para ayudar al sitio web a analizar cómo los usuarios usan el sitio. La información generada por la cookie sobre su uso de este sitio web generalmente se transfiere a un servidor de Google en EE. UU. Y se almacena allí. Sin embargo, si se activa la anonimización de IP en este sitio web, Google reducirá su dirección IP dentro de los estados miembros de la Unión Europea o en otros estados parte del Acuerdo sobre el Espacio Económico Europeo. Solo en casos excepcionales, la dirección IP completa se transmitirá a un servidor de Google en EE. UU. Y se acortará allí. En nombre del operador de este sitio web, Google utilizará esta información para evaluar su uso del sitio web, compilar informes sobre la actividad del sitio web y proporcionar al operador del sitio web más servicios asociados con el uso del sitio web y de Internet.
La dirección IP transmitida por su navegador en el contexto de Google Analytics no se fusiona con otros datos de Google.
Puede rechazar el uso de cookies seleccionando la configuración adecuada en su navegador. Sin embargo, nos gustaría señalar que en este caso es posible que no pueda utilizar todas las funciones de este sitio web en toda su extensión. También puede evitar que Google recopile los datos generados por la cookie y en relación con su uso del sitio web (incluida su dirección IP) y del procesamiento de estos datos por parte de Google mediante la descarga e instalación del complemento del navegador disponible en el siguiente enlace:
Usamos Google Analytics para analizar y mejorar regularmente el uso de nuestro sitio web. Las estadísticas que recopilamos nos permiten mejorar nuestros servicios y hacerlos más interesantes para usted como usuario. Para los casos excepcionales en que los datos personales se transfieren a los EE. UU., Google se ha sometido al Escudo de privacidad UE-EE. UU.,
La base legal para el uso de Google Analytics es Art. 6. (1) lit. f) EURGPD.
Información de terceros: Google Dublin, Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, Fax: +353 (1) 436 1001. Términos del usuario:, Visión general de la protección de datos:, así como la declaración de protección de datos:
Puede revocar su consentimiento en cualquier momento con efecto futuro enviando un correo electrónico a
XII. Google Remarketing
Este sitio web utiliza la aplicación Google Remarketing. Este es un proceso por el cual nos gustaría dirigirnos nuevamente a ustedes. Esta aplicación le permite ver nuestros anuncios después de visitar nuestro sitio web mientras continúa usando Internet. Esto se hace mediante cookies almacenadas en su navegador, a través de las cuales Google registra y evalúa su comportamiento de uso al visitar varios sitios web. Así es como Google determina su visita previa a nuestro sitio web. Una combinación de los datos recopilados durante el remarketing con sus datos personales, que pueden ser almacenados por Google, no ocurre de acuerdo con Google. En particular, según Google, la seudonimización se usa en el remarketing. La base legal para el uso de Google Analytics es Art. 6. (1) lit. f) EURGPD. Nuestro interés legítimo radica en nuestros intereses de comercialización y para informarle sobre nuestros productos y servicios.
XIII. Integración de
Hemos integrado el reproductor y el chat de directamente en nuestro sitio web. No proporcionamos datos a nosotros mismos. La base legal para el uso de Google Analytics es Art. 6. (1) lit. f) EURGPD. Los datos que recopila y la información sobre el propósito y el alcance de la recopilación de datos y cómo es procesado por se puede encontrar en la política de privacidad de Allí también obtendrá más información sobre sus derechos y opciones de configuración para proteger su privacidad. [Enlace política de privacidad].
XIV. Integración de YouTube videos
(1) Hemos incluido videos de YouTube en nuestra oferta en línea, que se almacenan en y se pueden reproducir directamente desde nuestro sitio web. Todos están integrados en el "modo de protección de datos extendida", lo que significa que no se transfieren datos sobre usted como usuario a YouTube si no reproduce los videos. Solo cuando reproduzcas los videos, se transferirán los datos mencionados en el párrafo 2. No tenemos influencia en esta transmisión de datos. La base legal para la integración de YouTube es el arte. 6. (1) lit. f) EURGPD.
(2) Al visitar el sitio web, YouTube contiene la información de que ha accedido a la subpágina correspondiente. Además, se transmitirán los datos a los que se hace referencia en el punto IV de esta declaración. Esto se hace independientemente de si YouTube proporciona una cuenta de usuario a través de la cual está conectado o si no existe una cuenta de usuario. Si ha iniciado sesión en Google, sus datos se asociarán directamente con su cuenta. Si no desea asociarse con su perfil en YouTube, debe cerrar la sesión antes de activar el botón. YouTube guarda sus datos como perfiles de usuario y los utiliza con fines de publicidad, estudios de mercado y / o diseño orientado a la demanda del sitio web. Dicha evaluación se lleva a cabo en particular (incluso para usuarios no iniciados) para obtener publicidad orientada a la demanda y para informar a otros usuarios de la red social acerca de sus actividades en nuestro sitio web. Tiene derecho a revocar la creación de estos perfiles de usuario, por lo que debe ponerse en contacto con YouTube para ejercer este derecho.
(3) Para obtener más información sobre el propósito y el alcance de la recopilación y el procesamiento de datos por parte de YouTube, consulte la política de privacidad. Allí también recibirá más información sobre sus derechos y opciones de configuración para proteger su privacidad: Google también procesa sus datos personales en los EE. UU. Y se ha enviado al Escudo de privacidad UE-EE. UU.
XV. Sus derechos
You have the following rights with respect to the personal data concerning you:
1. Derecho de información,
2. Derecho de rectificación o borrado
3. Derecho de restricción del procesamiento,
4. Derecho a oponerse al procesamiento,
5. Derecho de portabilidad de datos,
6. Además, en principio puede revocar su consentimiento previo para la recopilación, el procesamiento y el uso de sus datos personales en cualquier momento con efecto para el futuro. La revocación del consentimiento no afecta la legalidad del procesamiento llevado a cabo sobre la base del consentimiento hasta la revocación.
También tiene derecho a presentar una queja sobre el procesamiento de sus datos personales en una autoridad supervisora de protección de datos.
A partir de mayo de 2018
Web Analytics Privacy Policy Overview 👥 Affected parties: visitors to the website 🤝 Purpose: Evaluation of visitor information to optimise the website. 📓 Processed data: Access statistics that contain data such as access location, device data, access duration and time, navigation behaviour, click behaviour and IP addresses. You can find more details on this from the respective web analytics tool directly. 📅 Storage period: depending on the respective web analytics tool used ⚖️ Legal basis: Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent), Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests) |
We use software on our website, which is known as web analytics, in order to evaluate website visitor behaviour. Thus, data is collected, which the analytic tool provider (also called tracking tool) stores, manages and processes. Analyses of user behaviour on our website are created with this data, which we as the website operator receive. Most tools also offer various testing options. These enable us, to for example test which offers or content our visitors prefer. For this, we may show you two different offers for a limited period of time. After the test (a so-called A/B test) we know which product or content our website visitors find more interesting. For such testing as well as for various other analyses, user profiles are created and the respective data is stored in cookies.
We have a clear goal in mind when it comes to our website: we want to offer our industrys best website on the market. Therefore, we want to give you both, the best and most interesting offer as well as comfort when you visit our website. With web analysis tools, we can observe the behaviour of our website visitors, and then improve our website accordingly for you and for us. For example, we can see the average age of our visitors, where they come from, the times our website gets visited the most, and which content or products are particularly popular. All this information helps us to optimise our website and adapt it to your needs, interests and wishes.
The exact data that is stored depends on the analysis tools that are being used. But generally, data such as the content you view on our website are stored, as well as e. g. which buttons or links you click, when you open a page, which browser you use, which device (PC, tablet, smartphone, etc.) you visit the website with, or which computer system you use. If you have agreed that location data may also be collected, this data may also be processed by the provider of the web analysis tool.
Moreover, your IP address is also stored. According to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), IP addresses are personal data. However, your IP address is usually stored in a pseudonymised form (i.e. in an unrecognisable and abbreviated form). No directly linkable data such as your name, age, address or email address are stored for testing purposes, web analyses and web optimisations. If this data is collected, it is retained in a pseudonymised form. Therefore, it cannot be used to identify you as a person.
The storage period of the respective data always depends on the provider. Some cookies only retain data for a few minutes or until you leave the website, while other cookies can store data for several years.
If we have any further information on the duration of data processing, you will find it below. We generally only process personal data for as long as is absolutely necessary to provide products and services. The storage period may be extended if it is required by law, such as for accounting purposes for example for accounting.
You also have the option and the right to revoke your consent to the use of cookies or third-party providers at any time. This works either via our cookie management tool or via other opt-out functions. For example, you can also prevent data processing by cookies by managing, deactivating or erasing cookies in your browser.
The use of Web Analytics requires your consent, which we obtained with our cookie popup. According to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a of the GDPR (consent), this consent represents the legal basis for the processing of personal data, such as by collection through Web Analytics tools.
In addition to consent, we have a legitimate interest in analysing the behaviour of website visitors, which enables us to technically and economically improve our offer. With Web Analytics, we can recognise website errors, identify attacks and improve profitability. The legal basis for this is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f of the GDPR (legitimate interests). Nevertheless, we only use these tools if you have given your consent.
Since Web Analytics tools use cookies, we recommend you to read our privacy policy on cookies. If you want to find out which of your data are stored and processed, you should read the privacy policies of the respective tools.
If available, information on special Web Analytics tools can be found in the following sections.
Google Analytics Privacy Policy Overview 👥 Affected parties: website visitors 🤝 Purpose: Evaluation of visitor information to optimise the website. 📓 Processed data: Access statistics that contain data such as the location of access, device data, access duration and time, navigation behaviour and click behaviour. You can find more details on this in the privacy policy below. 📅 Storage period: Customizable, GA4 stores data for 14 months by default. ⚖️ Legal basis: Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent), Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests) |
On our website, we use the analytics tracking tool Google Analytics in the Google Analytics 4 (GA4) version provided by the American company Google Inc. For the European region, Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street Dublin 4, Ireland) is responsible for all Google services. Google Analytics collects data about your actions on our website. By combining various technologies such as cookies, device IDs, and login information, you can be identified as a user across different devices. This allows your actions to be analyzed across platforms as well.
For example, when you click on a link, this event is stored in a cookie and sent to Google Analytics. With the reports we receive from Google Analytics, we can better tailor our website and service to your needs. In the following, we will provide more information about the tracking tool and specifically inform you about the data processed and how you can prevent it.
Google Analytics is a tracking tool used for website traffic analysis. The basis for these measurements and analyses is a pseudonymous user identification number. This number does not include personally identifiable information such as name or address but is used to assign events to a device. GA4 utilizes an event-based model that captures detailed information about user interactions such as page views, clicks, scrolling, and conversion events. Additionally, GA4 incorporates various machine learning features to better understand user behavior and certain trends. GA4 employs modeling through machine learning capabilities, meaning that based on the collected data, missing data can be extrapolated to optimize the analysis and provide forecasts.
In order for Google Analytics to function properly, a tracking code is embedded in the code of our website. When you visit our website, this code records various events that you perform on our website. With GA4’s event-based data model, we, as website operators, can define and track specific events to obtain analyses of user interactions. This allows us to track not only general information such as clicks or page views but also specific events that are important for our business, such as submitting a contact form or making a purchase.
Once you leave our website, this data is sent to and stored on Google Analytics servers.
Google processes the data, and we receive reports on your user behavior. These reports can include, among others, the following:
In addition to the above-mentioned analysis reports, Google Analytics 4 also offers the following functions:
Our goal with this website is clear: we want to provide you with the best possible service. The statistics and data from Google Analytics help us achieve this goal.
The statistically evaluated data gives us a clear picture of the strengths and weaknesses of our website. On one hand, we can optimize our site to make it more easily found by interested people on Google. On the other hand, the data helps us better understand you as a visitor. We know exactly what we need to improve on our website in order to provide you with the best possible service. The data also helps us conduct our advertising and marketing activities in a more personalized and cost-effective manner. After all, it only makes sense to show our products and services to people who are interested in them.
With the help of a tracking code, Google Analytics creates a random, unique ID associated with your browser cookie. This way, Google Analytics recognizes you as a new user, and a user ID is assigned to you. When you visit our site again, you are recognized as a “returning” user. All collected data is stored together with this user ID, making it possible to evaluate pseudonymous user profiles.
To analyze our website with Google Analytics, a property ID must be inserted into the tracking code. The data is then stored in the corresponding property. For each newly created property, the default is Google Analytics 4 Property. The data storage duration varies depending on the property used.
Through identifiers such as cookies, app instance IDs, user IDs, or custom event parameters, your interactions, if you have consented, are measured across platforms. Interactions encompass all types of actions you perform on our website. If you also use other Google systems (such as a Google account), data generated through Google Analytics can be linked to third-party cookies. Google does not disclose Google Analytics data unless we, as website operators, authorize it, except when required by law.
According to Google, IP addresses are not logged or stored in Google Analytics 4. However, IP address data is used by Google for deriving location data and is immediately deleted thereafter. All IP addresses collected from users in the EU are deleted before the data is stored in a data center or on a server.
Since GA4 focuses on event-based data, the tool uses significantly fewer cookies compared to previous versions such as Google Universal Analytics. However, there are still some specific cookies used by GA4. These can include:
Name: _ga
Value: 2.1326744211.152123654789-5
Purpose: By default, analytics.js uses the _ga cookie to store the user ID. It is used to distinguish website visitors.
Expiration: After 2 years
Name: _gid
Value: 2.1687193234.152123654789-1
Purpose: This cookie is also used to distinguish website visitors.
Expiration: After 24 hours
Name: gat_gtag_UA Value: 1
Purpose: Used to reduce the request rate. If Google Analytics is deployed via Google Tag Manager, this cookie will be named dc_gtm .
Expiration: After 1 minute
Note: This list cannot claim to be exhaustive, as Google may change their choice of cookies from time to time. GA4 aims to improve data privacy and offers several options for controlling data collection. For example, we can determine the storage duration ourselves and control data.
Here we provide an overview of the main types of data collected by Google Analytics:
Heatmaps: Google creates heatmaps to show the exact areas you click on. This provides us with information about your interactions on our site.
Session Duration: Google refers to session duration as the time you spend on our site without leaving. If you are inactive for 20 minutes, the session automatically ends.
Bounce Rate: Bounce rate refers to when you view only one page on our website and then leave.
Account Creation: If you create an account or place an order on our website, Google Analytics collects this data.
Location: IP addresses are not logged or stored in Google Analytics. However, location data is derived shortly before the IP address is deleted.
Technical Information: Technical information includes your browser type, internet service provider, and screen resolution, among others.
Source of Origin: Google Analytics is interested in the website or advertisement that brought you to our site.
Additional data may include contact information, reviews, media playback (e.g., if you play a video on our site), sharing of content via social media, or adding to favorites. This list is not exhaustive and serves only as a general guide to the data storage by Google Analytics.
Google has servers distributed worldwide. You can find precise information about the locations of Google data centers at:
Your data is distributed across multiple physical storage devices. This ensures faster access to data and better protection against manipulation. Each Google data center has emergency programs in place for your data. In the event of hardware failure or natural disasters, the risk of service interruption at Google remains low.
The retention period of data depends on the properties used. The storage duration is always set separately for each individual property. Google Analytics offers us four options for controlling the storage duration:
In addition, there is also the option for data to be deleted only if you do not visit our website within the selected time period. In this case, the retention period is reset every time you revisit our website within the defined time frame.
Once the defined period has expired, the data is deleted once a month. This retention period applies to data linked to cookies, user identification, and advertising IDs (e.g., cookies from the DoubleClick domain). Report results are based on aggregated data and are stored independently of user data. Aggregated data is a combination of individual data into larger units.
Under the data protection laws of the European Union, you have the right to access, update, delete, or restrict your data. By using the browser add-on to deactivate Google Analytics JavaScript (analytics.js, gtag.js), you can prevent Google Analytics 4 from using your data. You can download and install the browser add-on at: Please note that this add-on only disables data collection by Google Analytics.
If you want to disable, delete, or manage cookies in general, you can find the respective instructions for the most common browsers in the “Cookies” section.
Legal basis
The use of Google Analytics requires your consent, which we obtained through our cookie popup. According to Art. 6(1)(a) of the GDPR, this consent constitutes the legal basis for the processing of personal data that may occur during the collection by web analytics tools.
In addition to consent, we also have a legitimate interest in analyzing the behavior of website visitors to improve our offering technically and economically. By using Google Analytics, we can identify website errors, detect attacks, and improve efficiency. The legal basis for this is Art. 6(1)(f) of the GDPR (legitimate interests). However, we only use Google Analytics if you have given your consent.
Google processes data from you, among other things, in the USA. Google is an active participant in the EU-US Data Privacy Framework, which regulates the correct and secure transfer of personal data from EU citizens to the USA. More information can be found at
Additionally, Google uses so-called Standard Contractual Clauses (Article 46(2) and (3) GDPR). Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) are template clauses provided by the EU Commission and are designed to ensure that your data complies with European data protection standards, even when transferred and stored in third countries (such as the USA). Through the EU-US Data Privacy Framework and the Standard Contractual Clauses, Google commits to maintaining the European data protection level when processing your relevant data, even if the data is stored, processed, and managed in the USA. These clauses are based on an implementing decision of the EU Commission. You can find the decision and the corresponding Standard Contractual Clauses here:
You can find the Google Ads Data Processing Terms, which refer to the Standard Contractual Clauses, at:
We hope we have provided you with the most important information regarding the data processing by Google Analytics. If you want to learn more about the tracking service, we recommend the following links: and
If you want to learn more about data processing, you can refer to the Google Privacy Policy at:
We have turned on Google Analytics functions for advertising reports. These reports on demographic characteristics and interests contain details about age, gender and interests. Through them we can get a better picture of our users without being able to allocate any data to individual persons. You can learn more about advertising functions at auf
You can terminate the use of your Google Accounts activities and information in Ads Settings at via a checkbox.
We also use the e-commerce measurement function of the web analysis tool Google Analytics for our website. This allows us to analyse very precisely how you and all our other customers interact with our website. E-commerce measurement is all about purchasing behaviour. Based on the data obtained, we can adapt and optimise our service to your wishes and expectations. With this data we can also use our online advertising measures in a more targeted manner, to only show our advertising to people who are interested in our products or services. The e-commerce measurement function records e. g. which orders were placed, how much time you took to decide on purchasing a product, the average order value or the shipping costs. All this data can be recorded and stored under a specific ID.
Depending on your consent, Google Analytics will progress your personal data in the so-called “consent mode”. You can choose whether or not you want to accept Google Analytics cookies, and thus which of your data Google Analytics may process. The retained data is mainly used to measure user behaviour on the website, to serve targeted advertising and to provide us with web analysis reports. Usually, you would consent to Google’s data processing via a cookie consent tool. If you do not consent to data processing, only aggregated data will be collected and processed. This means that data cannot be assigned to individual users and therefore no user profile will be created for you. You also have the option to only agree to statistical measurement, meaning that none of your personal data will be processed and used for advertising or advertising measurement sequences.
We implemented Google Analytics IP address anonymisation to this website. Google developed this function, so this website can comply with the applicable privacy laws and the local data protection authorities recommendations, should they prohibit the retention of any full IP addresses.
The anonymisation or masking of IP addresses takes place, as soon as they reach Google Analytics data collection network, but before the data would be saved or processed.
You can find more information on IP anonymisation at
We use Google Remarketing, an advertising analysis tool, for our website. The provider of this service is the American company Google Inc. The entity responsible for all Google services in Europe is the company Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street Dublin 4, Ireland).
Google processes data from you, among other things, in the USA. Google is an active participant in the EU-US Data Privacy Framework, which regulates the correct and secure transfer of personal data from EU citizens to the USA. More information can be found at
Additionally, Google uses so-called Standard Contractual Clauses (Article 46(2) and (3) GDPR). Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) are template clauses provided by the EU Commission and are designed to ensure that your data complies with European data protection standards, even when transferred and stored in third countries (such as the USA). Through the EU-US Data Privacy Framework and the Standard Contractual Clauses, Google commits to maintaining the European data protection level when processing your relevant data, even if the data is stored, processed, and managed in the USA. These clauses are based on an implementing decision of the EU Commission. You can find the decision and the corresponding Standard Contractual Clauses here:
Google holds a contract on commissioned processing in accordance with Art. 28 DSGVO, which acts as the data protection law basis for our customer relationship with Google. This refers to the EU standard contractual clauses in terms of content. Here you can find the order processing conditions:
You can find out more about the data that is processed through the use of Google Remarketing in their Privacy Policy at
Google Tag Manager Privacy Policy Overview 👥 Affected parties: website visitors 🤝 Purpose: Organisation of individual tracking tools 📓 Processed data: Google Tag Manager itself does not store any data. The data record tags of the web analytics tools used. 📅 Storage period: depending on the web analytics tool used ⚖️ Legal bases: Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent), Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests) |
We use Google Tag Manager by the company Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) for our website.
This Tag Manager is one of Googles many helpful marketing products. With it, we can centrally integrate and manage code sections of various tracking tools, that we use on our website.
In this privacy statement we will explain in more detail, what Google Tag Manager does, why we use it and to what extent your data is processed.
Google Tag Manager is an organising tool with which we can integrate and manage website tags centrally and via a user interface. Tags are little code sections which e.g. track your activities on our website. For this, segments of JavaScript code are integrated to our sites source text. The tags often come from Googles intern products, such as Google Ads or Google Analytics, but tags from other companies can also be integrated and managed via the manager. Since the tags have different tasks, they can collect browser data, feed marketing tools with data, embed buttons, set cookies and track users across several websites.
Everybody knows: Being organised is important! Of course, this also applies to maintenance of our website. In order to organise and design our website as well as possible for you and anyone who is interested in our products and services, we rely on various tracking tools, such as Google Analytics.
The collected data shows us what interests you most, which of our services we should improve, and which other persons we should also display our services to. Furthermore, for this tracking to work, we must implement relevant JavaScript Codes to our website. While we could theoretically integrate every code section of every tracking tool separately into our source text, this would take too much time and we would lose overview. This is the reason why we use Google Tag Manager. We can easily integrate the necessary scripts and manage them from one place. Additionally, Google Tag Managers user interface is easy to operate, and requires no programming skills. Therefore, we can easily keep order in our jungle of tags.
Tag Manager itself is a domain that neither uses cookies nor stores data. It merely functions as an administrator of implemented tags. Data is collected by the individual tags of the different web analysis tools. Therefore, in Google Tag Manager the data is sent to the individual tracking tools and does not get saved.
However, with the integrated tags of different web analysis tools such as Google Analytics, this is quite different. Depending on the analysis tool used, various data on your internet behaviour is collected, stored and processed with the help of cookies. Please read our texts on data protection for more information on the articular analysis and tracking tools we use on our website.
We allowed Google via the account settings for the Tag Manager to receive anonymised data from us. However, this exclusively refers to the use of our Tag Manager and not to your data, which are saved via code sections. We allow Google and others, to receive selected data in anonymous form. Therefore, we agree to the anonymised transfer of our website data. However, even after extensive research we could not find out what summarised and anonymous data it is exactly that gets transmitted. What we do know is that Google deleted any info that could identify our website. Google combines the data with hundreds of other anonymous website data and creates user trends as part of benchmarking measures. Benchmarking is a process of comparing a companys results with the ones of competitors. As a result, processes can be optimised based on the collected information.
When Google stores data, this is done on Googles own servers. These servers are located all over the world, with most of them being in America. At you can read in detail where Googles servers are.
In our individual data protection texts on the different tools you can find out how long the respective tracking tools store your data.
Google Tag Manager itself does not set any cookies but manages different tracking websites tags. In our data protection texts on the different tracking tools you can find detailed information on how you can delete or manage your data.
Please note that when using this tool, your data may also be stored and processed outside the EU. Most third countries (including the USA) are not considered secure under current European data protection law. Data must not be transferred, stored and processed to insecure third countries, unless there are suitable guarantees (such as EU standard contractual clauses) between us and the non-European service provider.
The use of the Google Tag Manager requires your consent, which we obtained via our cookie popup. According to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent), this consent is the legal basis for personal data processing, such as when it is collected by web analytics tools.
In addition to consent, we have a legitimate interest in analysing the behaviour of website visitors and thus technically and economically improving our offer. With the help of Google Tag Managers we can also improve profitability. The legal basis for this is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests). We only use Google Tag Manager if you have given us your consent.
Google processes data from you, among other things, in the USA. Google is an active participant in the EU-US Data Privacy Framework, which regulates the correct and secure transfer of personal data from EU citizens to the USA. More information can be found at
Additionally, Google uses so-called Standard Contractual Clauses (Article 46(2) and (3) GDPR). Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) are template clauses provided by the EU Commission and are designed to ensure that your data complies with European data protection standards, even when transferred and stored in third countries (such as the USA). Through the EU-US Data Privacy Framework and the Standard Contractual Clauses, Google commits to maintaining the European data protection level when processing your relevant data, even if the data is stored, processed, and managed in the USA. These clauses are based on an implementing decision of the EU Commission. You can find the decision and the corresponding Standard Contractual Clauses here:
You can find the Google Ads Data Processing Terms, which refer to the Standard Contractual Clauses, at:
If you want to learn more about Google Tag Manager, we recommend their FAQs at
Online Marketing Privacy Policy Overview 👥 Affected parties: visitors to the website 🤝 Purpose: Evaluation of visitor information for website optimisation 📓 Processed data: Access statistics containing data such as access location, device data, access duration and time, navigation behaviour, click behaviour and IP addresses. Personal data such as name or email address may also be processed. You can find more details on this from the respective Online Marketing tool. 📅 Storage period: depending on the Online Marketing tools used ⚖️ Legal basis: Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent), Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests) |
Online Marketing refers to all measures that are carried out online to achieve marketing goals, such as increasing brand awareness or doing business transactions. Furthermore, our Online Marketing measures aim to draw people’s attention to our website. In order to be able to show our offer to many interested people, we do Online Marketing. It mostly is about online advertising, content marketing or search engine optimisation. For this, personal data is also stored and processed, to enable us to use Online Marketing efficiently and targeted. On the one hand, the data help us to only show our content to people who are interested in it. On the other hand, it helps us to measure the advertising success of our Online Marketing measures.
We want to show our website to everyone who is interested in our offer. We are aware that this is not possible without conscious measures being taken. That is why we do Online Marketing. There are various tools that make working on our Online Marketing measures easier for us. These also provide suggestions for improvement via data. Thus, we can target our campaigns more precisely to our target group. The ultimate purpose of these Online Marketing tools is to optimise our offer.
For our Online Marketing to work and to measure its success, user profiles are created and data are e.g. stored in cookies (small text files). With the help of this data, we can not only advertise in the traditional way, but also present our content directly on our website in the way you prefer. There are various third-party tools that offer these functions and thus collect and store your data accordingly. The aforementioned cookies e.g. store the pages you visit on our website, how long you view these pages, which links or buttons you click or which website you came from. What is more, technical information may also be stored. This may include e.g. your IP address, the browser and device you use to visit our website or the time you accessed our website as well as the time you left. If you have agreed for us to determine your location, we can also store and process it.
Your IP address is stored in pseudonymised form (i.e. shortened). What is more, distinct data that directly identify you as a person, such as your name, address or email address, are only stored in pseudonymised for advertising and Online Marketing purposes. With this data we cannot identify you as a person and only retain the pseudonymised information that is stored in your user profile.
Under certain circumstances, cookies may also be utilised, analysed and used for advertising purposes on other websites that use the same advertising tools. Thus, your data may then also be stored on the servers of the respective provider of the advertising tool.
In rare exceptions, unique data (name, email address, etc.) may also be stored in the user profiles. This can happen, if you are for example a member of a social media channel that we use for our Online Marketing measures and if the network connects previously received data with the user profile.
We only ever receive summarised information from the advertising tools we use that do store data on their servers. We never receive data that can be used to identify you as an individual. What is more, the data only shows how well-placed advertising measures have worked. For example, we can see what measures have caused you or other users to visit our website and purchase a service or product. Based on these analyses we can improve our advertising offer in the future and adapt it more precisely to the needs and wishes of people who are interested.
Below we will inform you on the duration of data processing, provided we have this information. In general, we only process personal data for as long as is absolutely necessary to provide our services and products. Data stored in cookies are retained for different lengths of time. Some cookies are deleted after you leave a website, while others may be stored in your browser for a number of years. However, in the respective privacy policies of the respective provider, you will usually find detailed information on the individual cookies this provider uses.
You also retain the right and the option to revoke your consent to the use of cookies or third-party providers at any time. This can be done either via our cookie management tool or via other opt-out functions. You can for example also prevent data collection by cookies if you manage, deactivate or erase cookies in your browser. The legality of the processing remains unaffected to the point of revocation.
Since Online Marketing tools usually use cookies, we also recommend you to read our privacy policy on cookies. If you want to find out which of your data is stored and processed, you should read the privacy policies of the respective tools.
If you have consented to the use of third-party providers, then this consent is the legal basis for the corresponding data processing. According to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent) , this consent is the legal basis for personal data processing, as may be done when data is collected by online marketing tools.
Moreover, we have a legitimate interest in measuring our online marketing activities in anonymised form, in order to use this data for optimising our offer and our Marketing. The corresponding legal basis for this is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests) . Nevertheless, we only use these tools if you have given your consent.
Information on special online marketing tools can be found in the following sections, provided this information is available.
We use the online marketing platform ADCELL for our website. The service provider is the German company Firstlead GmbH, Rosenfelder Str. 15-16, 10315 Berlin, Germany.
You can find out more about the data processed by using ADCELL in the privacy policy at
Microsoft Advertising Privacy Policy Overview 👥 Affected parties: visitors to the website 🤝 Purpose: economic success and service optimisation. 📓 Processed data: Access statistics that contain data such as access location, device data, access duration and time, navigation behaviour, click behaviour and IP addresses. Personal data such as name or email address may also be processed. 📅 Storage period: Microsoft stores the data until it is no longer needed for the intended purpose ⚖️ Legal basis: Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent), Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests) |
We also use the Microsoft Advertising program by Microsoft Corporation, located in One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA, for our online marketing measures. With the help of Microsoft Advertising, we want to draw many peoples attention to the high quality of our products and/or services. For this, we use a technology (conversion tracking tool) by Microsoft on our website, which also stores your data. In this privacy policy, we will go into more detail about this service, show you which of your data is stored, managed, and processed and how you can prevent this data retention.
Perhaps you know Microsoft Advertising by its former name “Bing Ads”. It is an advertising program by Microsoft which is based on a Pay-Per-Click system. This means that advertisers can advertise through the search engines Bing and Yahoo! and only pay when a user clicks the ad.
We are convinced of our offers, and therefore, we of course want to show them to a wider public. With Microsoft Advertising, we can bring our products or services closer to precisely those people who are specifically interested in them. Moreover, we want to present our products not only on the famous search engine Google, but also on Bing and Yahoo! Microsoft Advertising also gives us the option of placing ads in the so-called “Microsoft Audience Network”. This allows us to also place advertisements on LinkedIn for example. Furthermore, conversion tracking for example tells us, which advertisement you used to find us, which one of our subpages you particularly like and which actions you are taking on our website. This data enables us to tailor our website, our advertisements, and our offers much better to your needs.
We have integrated a conversion tracking tag (i.e. a small code snippet) from Microsoft Advertising to our website. This snippet is known as the Universal Event Tracking (UET) tag. If you come to our website via a Microsoft advertisement, we can use this tracking tool to find out more about your user behaviour on our website. For example, we can find out which keyword or ad led you to us, what you clicked on our website, how long you stayed on our website, as well as how many people visit our website via Microsoft Ads. All these data relate to user behaviour but not to any personal information. In this sense, we only receive data or analyses of your web behaviour, but none of your personal information. Microsoft uses the data to optimise its own promotional offer as well as other services. If you have a Microsoft account yourself, the data collected may be linked to your account. Moreover, Microsoft might also recognise and store your IP address. To save all data on your user behaviour, the following cookie is set in your browser after you have visited our website via a Microsoft ad:
Value: 08A53CA3313F6255044C307E353F61CD
Purpose:This cookie is set by our embedded Microsoft tag (UET tag) and is used for synchronisation purposes across various Microsoft websites. This allows users to be recognised across different domains.
Expiry date: after one year
However, if you access our website via a Bing ad, other cookies may also be placed in your browser. In the following we will show you a selection of possible cookies:
Value: V=0&ABDV=0&MRNB=1594294373452&MRB=0123654789-7
Purpose: We could not find any detailed information on this cookie.
Expiry date: after one year
Purpose: This cookie is responsible for the functionality of the tracking and the website itself.
Expiry date: after one year
Value: WTS=63729889193&HV=1594294374&CW=1920&CH=937&DPR=1&UTC=120&DM=0
Purpose: This cookie tracks and saves your user behaviour on our website, as well as the interaction with the Bing map interface.
Expiry date: after one year
Value: V=2&GUID=157B20CCF36A43F3A4AE9790346EB7A7&dmnchg=1
Purpose: This cookie tracks and stores your user behaviour on our website and the interaction with the Bing map API.
Expiry date: after one year
Name: _EDGE_S
Value: mkt=de-at&SID=2EE7002D956A61511D280F2F9474607123654789-2
Purpose: This cookie collects and stores your user behaviour across multiple websites. The aim of targeting is to better adjust our advertising measures to our target group.
Expiry date: after end of the browser session
Name: _SS
Value: SID=2EE7002D956A61511D280F2F94746077123654789-9
Purpose : Among other things, this cookie serves the purpose of recognising when you as a user have accessed our website (i.e. which advert led you to our website).
Expiry date: after one year
We have no influence on how Microsoft continues to use your collected user data. The company are using various servers accross the world. Most of them are in the United States. Therefore, your data may also be stored, managed, and processed on American servers. Microsoft stores data (especially personal data) for as long as it is necessary for both, delivering their services or products and for legal purposes. Furthermore, Microsoft states that the actual time data are retained, depends on the respective product and may vary strongly.
Microsoft deletes your stored Bing search requests after 6 months by deleting your IP address. Cookie-IDs which are be generated via the Cookie MUID for example, are encrypted after 18 months.
You always have the possibility to opt out of Microsoft Ads conversion tracking. If you do not want interest-based adverts by Microsoft Advertising to be shown to you, you can deactivate the function at Moreover, you can deactivate, manage, or delete any cookies in your browser. Since this works a little different for every browser, you can find instructions for the most common browsers here:
Chrome: Clear, enable and manage cookies in Chrome
Safari: Manage cookies and website data in Safari
Firefox: Clear cookies and site data in Firefox
Internet Explorer: Delete and manage cookies
Microsoft Edge: Delete cookies in Microsoft Edge
If you have consented to the use of Microsoft Advertising, the legal basis for the corresponding data processing is your consent. According to Art. 6 paragraph 1 lit. a GDPR (consent) your consent is the legal basis for personal data processing, as may occur when it is collected by Microsoft Advertising.
We also have a legitimate interest in using Microsoft Advertising to optimise our online service and marketing measures. The corresponding legal basis for this is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests). Nevertheless, we only use Microsoft Advertising if you have consented to it.
Microsoft processes data from you, among other things, in the USA. Microsoft is an active participant in the EU-US Data Privacy Framework, which regulates the correct and secure transfer of personal data from EU citizens to the USA. More information can be found at
Additionally, Microsoft uses so-called Standard Contractual Clauses (Article 46(2) and (3) GDPR). Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) are template clauses provided by the EU Commission and are designed to ensure that your data complies with European data protection standards, even when transferred and stored in third countries (such as the USA). Through the EU-US Data Privacy Framework and the Standard Contractual Clauses, Microsoft commits to maintaining the European data protection level when processing your relevant data, even if the data is stored, processed, and managed in the USA. These clauses are based on an implementing decision of the EU Commission. You can find the decision and the corresponding Standard Contractual Clauses here:
You can find more information about the standard contractual clauses at Microsoft at
We hope we could give you an overview on data processing by Microsoft Ads conversion tracking. Of course, it is always possible for Microsofts privacy guidelines to change. For finding more information and always staying up-to-date, we recommend you to read Microsofts privacy policy at
Affiliate Programs Privacy Policy Overview 👥 Affected parties: website visitors 🤝 Purpose: economic success and the optimisation of our service. 📓 Data processed: Access statistics, including data such as access locations, device data, access duration and time, navigation behaviour, click behaviour and IP addresses. Personal data such as your name or email address may also be processed. 📅 Duration of storage: personal data is usually stored by affiliate programs until it is no longer needed ⚖️ Legal bases: Article 6 paragraph 1 lit. a GDPR (consent), Article 6 paragraph 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests) |
We use affiliate programs of different providers on our website. By using an affiliate program, your data may be transferred to the respective affiliate program provider, where it can be stored and processed. In this privacy policy, we will give you a general overview of data processing by partner programs and show you how you can prevent or revoke this data transmission. Every affiliate program (also called partner program) is based on the principle of commission. For this, a link or an advertisement with a link is placed on our website and if you are interested, click on it and purchase a product or service this way, we receive a commission for this (reimbursement of advertising costs)
Our goal is to provide you with a pleasant time with lots of helpful content. We put a lot of work and time into the development of our website. With the help of partner programs, we have the opportunity to be paid a little for our efforts. Every partner link is of course always related to our theme and shows offers that might interest you.
In order to trace whether you have clicked on one of our placed links, the affiliate program provider needs to know that it was you who followed the link via our website. Any affiliate program links used must therefore be correctly assigned to the following actions (business deal, purchase, conversion, impression, etc.). Only then can the allocation of the commission take place.
For this mapping to work, a value may be appended to a link (in the URL) or certain information may be stored in cookies. This may for example be, data on which page you came from (referrer), when you clicked on the link, an identifier for our website, which offer it is as well a specific user identifier.
Therefore, whenever you interact with an affiliate program’s products and services, the provider also retains your data. Exactly which data is stored depends on the individual providers. For example, the Amazon affiliate program distinguishes between active and automatic data. Active data include name, email address, phone number, age, payment information, or location information. In the case of the Amazon affiliate program, automatically stored data include user behaviour, IP address, device information and the URL.
We will inform you below about the duration of data processing, provided we have further information on this. In general, personal data is only processed for as long as is necessary to provide the services and products. Data stored in cookies are retained for different lengths of time. Some cookies are deleted as soon as you leave the website, while others may be stored in your browser for several years if they are not actively erased. The exact duration of data processing depends on the provider used. But in most cases you should account for a storage period of several years. In the respective privacy policies of the individual providers, you will most probably find precise information about the duration of data processing.
You always have the right to information, rectification and erasure of your personal data. If you have any questions, you can also contact the person responsible for the partner program provider used at any time. Contact details can be found either in our specific data protection declaration or on the website of the relevant provider.
You can erase, disable or manage cookies that providers use for their functions in your browser. Depending on which browser you use, this can be done in different ways.
If you have consented to the use of the affiliate program, the legal basis for the corresponding data processing is this consent. According to Art. 6 Paragraph 1 lit. a GDPR (consent) your consent represents the legal basis for the processing of personal data, as may occur when collected by an affiliate program.
We also have a legitimate interest in using an affiliate program to optimise our online service and our marketing activities. The corresponding legal basis for this is Art. 6 Paragraph 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests). However, we only use the partner program if you have given your consent.
Information on special affiliate programs, if available, can be found in the following sections.
Awin Affiliate Program Privacy Policy Overview 👥 Affected parties: visitors to the website 🤝 Purpose: economic success and the service optimisation. 📓 Processed data: Access statistics containing data such as access location, device data, access duration and time, navigation behaviour, click behaviour and IP addresses. Personal data such as name or email address can also be processed. 📅 Storage period: Awin stores the data until the purposes have been implemented and accounting and reporting requirements have been met ⚖️ Legal basis: Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent), Art. 6 para. 1 lit.f GDPR (legitimate interests) |
We work with the affiliate and advertising company AWIN AG (Eichhornstrasse 3, 10785 Berlin, Germany). Awin uses tracking tools to perform its services and to be able to save and trace a user action (e.g. the purchase of a product). This means that your data will also be sent to the company in pseudonymised form where it will then be stored. In this privacy policy, we want to explain not only why we use this affiliate program, but also which of your data is stored, how it is stored and how you can prevent this data retention.
Awin is an affiliate marketing network. Its members are advertisers and website operators who offer an advertising platform for the products or services offered. In affiliate marketing, website operators are usually referred to as publishers. They place advertisements for advertisers on their platform (website) and receive a commission in the event of a click or sale.
In addition to our content, products or services, we also want to provide you with interesting advertisements that fit our theme. We also offer our website as advertising space and the Awin affiliate network provides us with many contacts to advertisers. This enables us to place selected advertisements on our website and receive a commission for successful transactions (leads, sales).
Awin needs certain user data to be able to reconstruct the path from us (publisher) to the advertiser. This means that when you click on an advertisement on our website and land on the advertiser’s website, it will be documented by cookies. Awin also creates a restricted user profile (without your name and identity), which documents the path from an advertisement to a sale.
In order to trace this path, Awin uses so-called tracking domain cookies, journey tags and device fingerprinting. The cookies are set in your browser when you click on one of the ads on our website. The journey tags are integrated into the advertiser’s website as JavaScript code so that Awin can receive transaction data. Moreover, fingerprinting enables Awin to uniquely identify a device by taking browser or device attributes into account. The cookies for example store which advertising material was clicked on what website and when it was clicked.
Below we will show you a list of exemplary cookies that are set in your browser when you click on an advertisement on our website.
Value: 360701:2483145123654789-1
Purpose: This cookie stores data on when you see or click an advertisement. This information is then used to avoid showing you the same ads over and over again.
Expiry date: after end of the session
Name: aw11354
Value: 512465|0|0|1606813823||aw|24336851897
Purpose: This cookie is set as soon as you click on a link that leads to the advertiser. The ID stores our web address, the ad you clicked, the time, the ad type ID and the product ID.
Expiry date: after 30 days
Name: bId
Value: HLEX_5fc6087ff90540.34189752123654789-8
Purpose: This cookie sets a browser-specific ID to identify a new click on the same browser.
Expiry date: after one year
All this data is used only to understand a publisher’s marketing efforts and sales. Furthermore, the members of the network are provided with an analysis report based on the collected data. This data is only ever passed on in summarised form, which does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about you as a person. According to Awin, the collected data are not used for users interest or personality profiles. Moreover, for each transaction Awin retains an individual sequence of numbers that contains information about the campaign and the devices used. Awin only processes so-called “pseudonymous” user data, which cannot identify you directly.
According to Awin, all data is saved until the designated purposes have been implemented and the accounting and reporting requirements no longer require it to be stored. There are no details available on the company’s website. The data is stored on European servers. Furthermore, since Awin only processes pseudonymous data, no information can be given about personal data such as IP addresses for example.
Should any of your personal data be collected, you of course reserve the right to access and delete them at any time. However, Awin usually only stores pseudonymous data that cannot identify you as a person. Nevertheless, data is of course collected with cookies. If you want to prevent this, you have the option of managing, deactivating or deleting cookies in your browser. This works a little differently for each browser. Below you will find the instructions for the most common browsers:
Chrome: Clear, enable and manage cookies in Chrome
Safari: Manage cookies and website data in Safari
Firefox: Clear cookies and site data in Firefox
Internet Explorer: Delete and manage cookies
Microsoft Edge: Delete cookies in Microsoft Edge
If you have agreed to the use of the Awin Partner Program, your consent is the legal basis for the corresponding data processing. According to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent), this consent is the legal basis for personal data processing, as it may be done when it is collected by the Awin Partner Program.
We also have legitimate interest in using the Awin Partner Program to optimise our online service and marketing measures. The corresponding legal basis for this is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests). We only use the Awin Partner Program tracking tool if you have consented to it.
We hope we could provide you with the most important information about Awin and their data processing. If you would like more information on Awins privacy guidelines, we recommend you to read their privacy policy at If you have any questions you can also send an email to at any time.
We use the affiliate programme Commission Junction for our website. The provider of this service is the British company Conversant Europe Limited, 1st Floor, 40 Dukes Place, London, EC3A 7NH, United Kingdom.
With the UK leaving the European Union, the GDPR is no longer applicable to data transfer there. However, on the basis of Art. 45 GDPR, the European Commission has decided that the UK offers an appropriate level of protection that can be compared to the GDPR. Data transfer there is therefore permitted. You can view the decision here (download):
You can find out more about the data that is processed through the use of Commission Junction in their Privacy Policy at
Content Delivery Networks Privacy Policy Overview 👥 Affected parties: website visitors 🤝 Purpose: Service performance optimisation (to increase website loading speeds) 📓 Processed data: data such as your IP address You can find more details on this below as well as in the individual Privacy Policies. 📅 Storage period: most data is stored until it is no longer needed for the provision of the service. ⚖️ Legal bases: Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent), Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests) |
On our website we use a so-called content delivery network or CDN. This helps to load our website quickly and easily, regardless of your location. Moreover, your personal data will also be stored, managed and processed on the respective CDN provider’s servers. In the following, we will go into more general detail on this service and the data processing associated with it. You can find detailed information on how your data is handled in the provider’s Privacy Policy.
Each content delivery network (CDN) is a network of regionally distributed servers that are connected to each other via the internet. Through this network, website content (especially very large files) can be delivered quickly and smoothly, even when large loading peaks occur. To make this possible, CDNs create a copy of our website on their servers. The website can be delivered quickly because these servers are distributed all around the world. Any data transfer to your browser is therefore significantly shortened by the CDN.
A fast loading website is part of our service. Of course, we know how annoying it is when a website loads at a snail’s pace. Most of the time, you lose your patience and click away before the website is fully loaded. But of course we want to avoid that. Therefore, to us a fast loading website is an obligatory part of our website offer. With the use of a content delivery network, our website loads significantly faster in your browser. Furthermore, CDNs are particularly helpful when you are abroad, as the website is always delivered from a server in your area.
If you access a website or its content and it gets cached in a CDN, the CDN forwards the request to the server closest to you which then delivers the content. Content delivery networks are built in a way that JavaScript libraries can be downloaded and hosted on npm and Github servers. Alternatively, WordPress plugins can also be loaded on most CDNs, provided they are hosted on Moreover, your browser can send personal data to the content delivery network we use. This includes data such as IP addresses, browser type, browser version, the accessed website or the time and date of the page visit. This data is collected and stored by the CDN. Whether cookies are used for data storage depends on the network that is being used. For more information on this, please read the Privacy Policy of the respective service.
If you want to prevent this data transfer altogether, you can use a JavaScript blocker (see for example on your computer. However, our website can then of course no longer offer its usual service (such as a fast loading speeds).
If you have consented to the use of a content delivery network, your consent represents the the legal basis for the corresponding data processing. According to Art. 6 paragraph 1 lit. a (consent) your consent represents the legal basis for the processing of personal data, as it can occur when collected by a content delivery network.
We also have a legitimate interest in using a content delivery network to optimise our online service and make it more secure. The corresponding legal basis for this is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests). Nevertheless, we only use the tool if you have consented to it.
Provided this information is available, you can find out more about the particular content delivery networks in the following sections.
Cloudflare Privacy Policy Overview 👥 Affected parties: website visitors 🤝 Purpose: service performance optimisation (to accelerate website loading times) 📓 Processed data: data such as IP address, contact and protocol information, security fingerprints and website performance data You can find more details on this in the Privacy Policy below. 📅 Storage duration: most of the data is stored for less than 24 hours ⚖️ Legal basis: Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent), Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests) |
We use Cloudflare by the company Cloudflare, Inc. (101 Townsend St., San Francisco, CA 94107, USA) on our website to enhance its speed and security. For this, Cloudflare uses cookies and processes user data. Cloudflare, Inc. is an American company that offers a content delivery network and various security services. These services take place between the user and our hosting provider. In the following, we will try to explain in detail what all this means.
A content delivery network (CDN), as provided by Cloudflare, is nothing more than a network of servers that are connected to each other. Cloudflare has deployed servers around the world, which ensure websites can appear on your screen faster. Simply put, Cloudflare makes copies of our website and places them on its own servers. Thus, when you visit our website, a load distribution system ensures that the main part of our website is delivered by a server that can display our website to you as quickly as possible. The CDN significantly shortens the route of the transmitted data to your browser. Thus, Cloudflare does not only deliver our websites content from our hosting server, but from servers from all over the world. Cloudflare is particularly helpful for users from abroad, since pages can be delivered from a nearby server. In addition to the fast delivery of websites, Cloudflare also offers various security services, such as DDoS protection, or the web application firewall.
Of course, we want our website to offer you the best possible service. Cloudflare helps us make our website faster and more secure. Cloudflare offers us web optimisations as well as security services such as DDoS protection and a web firewall. Moreover, this includes a Reverse-Proxy and the content distribution network (CDN). Cloudflare blocks threats and limits abusive bots as well as crawlers that waste our bandwidth and server resources. By storing our website in local data centres and blocking spam software, Cloudflare enables us to reduce our bandwidth usage by about 60%. Furthermore, the provision of content through a data centre near you and certain web optimizations carried out there, cut the average loading time of a website in about half. According to Cloudflare, the setting “I’m Under Attack Mode” can be used to mitigate further attacks by displaying a JavaScript calculation task that must be solved before a user can access a website. Overall, this makes our website significantly more powerful and less susceptible to spam or other attacks.
Cloudflare generally only transmits data that is controlled by website operators. Therefore, Cloudflare does not determine the content, but the website operator themselves does. Additionally, Cloudflare may collect certain information about the use of our website and may process data we send or data which Cloudflare has received certain instructions for. Mostly, Cloudflare receives data such as IP addresses, contacts and protocol information, security fingerprints and websites performance data. Log data for example helps Cloudflare identify new threats. That way, Cloudflare can ensure a high level of security for our website. As part of their services, Cloudflare process this data in compliance with the applicable laws. Of course, this also includes the compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Furthermore, Cloudflare uses a cookie for security reasons. The cookie (__cfduid) is used to identify individual users behind a shared IP address, and to apply security settings for each individual user. The cookie is very useful, if you e.g. use our website from a restaurant where several infected computers are located. However, if your computer is trustworthy, we can recognise that with the cookie. Hence, you will be able to freely and carelessly surf our website, despite the infected PCs in your area. Another point that is important to know, is that this cookie does not store any personal data. The cookie is essential for Cloudflares security functions and cannot be deactivated.
Name: __cfduid
Value: d798bf7df9c1ad5b7583eda5cc5e78123654789-3
Purpose: Security settings for each individual visitor
Expiry date: after one year
Cloudflare also works with third party providers. They may however only process personal data after the instruction of Cloudflare and in accordance with the data protection guidelines and other confidentiality and security measures. Without explicit consent from us, Cloudflare will not pass on any personal data.
Cloudflare stores your information primarily in the United States and the European Economic Area. Cloudflare can transfer and access the information described above, from all over the world. In general, Cloudflare stores domains user-level data with the Free, Pro and Business versions for less than 24 hours. For enterprise domains that have activated Cloudflare Logs (previously called Enterprise LogShare or ELS), data can be stored for up to 7 days. However, if IP addresses trigger security warnings in Cloudflare, there may be exceptions to the storage period mentioned above.
Cloudflare only keeps data logs for as long as necessary and in most cases deletes the data within 24 hours. Cloudflare also does not store any personal data, such as your IP address. However, there is information that Cloudflare store indefinitely as part of their permanent logs. This is done to improve the overall performance of Cloudflare Resolver and to identify potential security risks. You can find out exactly which permanent logs are saved at All data Cloudflare collects (temporarily or permanently) is cleared of all personal data. Cloudflare also anonymise all permanent logs.
In their privacy policy, Cloudflare state that they are not responsible for the content you receive. For example, if you ask Cloudflare whether you can update or delete content, Cloudflare will always refer to us as the website operator. You can also completely prevent the collection and processing of your data by Cloudflare, when you deactivate the execution of script-code in your browser, or if you integrate a script blocker to your browser.
If you have consented to the use of Cloudflare, your consent is the legal basis for the corresponding data processing. According to Art. 6 paragraph 1 lit. a (Consent) your consent is the legal basis for the processing of personal data, as can occur when it is collected by Cloudflare.
We also have a legitimate interest in using Cloudflare to optimise our online service and make it more secure. The corresponding legal basis for this is Art. 6 para. 1 lit.f GDPR (legitimate interests). Nevertheless, we only use Cloudflare if you have given your consent to it.
Cloudflare processes data from you, among other things, in the USA. Cloudflare is an active participant in the EU-US Data Privacy Framework, which regulates the correct and secure transfer of personal data from EU citizens to the USA. More information can be found at
Additionally, Cloudflare uses so-called Standard Contractual Clauses (Article 46(2) and (3) GDPR). Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) are template clauses provided by the EU Commission and are designed to ensure that your data complies with European data protection standards, even when transferred and stored in third countries (such as the USA). Through the EU-US Data Privacy Framework and the Standard Contractual Clauses, Cloudflare commits to maintaining the European data protection level when processing your relevant data, even if the data is stored, processed, and managed in the USA. These clauses are based on an implementing decision of the EU Commission. You can find the decision and the corresponding Standard Contractual Clauses here:
You can find out more about the standard contractual clauses and the data that is processed by Cloudflare at
Security & Anti-Spam Privacy Policy Overview 👥 Affected parties: website visitors 🤝 Purpose: for cyber security 📓 Processed data: Data such as your IP address, name or technical data such as browser version More details can be found below and in the individual privacy policies. 📅 Duration of storage: In most cases, data is stored until it is no longer required in order to provide the service ⚖️ Legal bases: Article 6 paragraph 1 lit. a GDPR (consent), Article 6 paragraph 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests) |
So-called security & Anti-spam software can protect you and us from various spam or phishing emails and other potential cyber-attacks. Spam includes advertising emails from mass mailings that you did not sign up for yourself. Such emails are also called data garbage and can also cause costs. Other spam such as phishing emails, on the other hand, are messages that aim to gain trust via fake messages or websites in order to obtain personal information. Anti-spam software usually protects against unwanted spam messages or malicious emails that could inject viruses into our system. We also use general firewall and security systems that protect our devices from unwanted network attacks.
We put great importance on our website’s security. After all, this is not just about our safety, but also about your safety. Unfortunately, cyber threats are now part of everyday life in the world of IT and the internet. Hackers e. g. often try to steal personal data from IT systems with the help of cyber attacks. And therefore a good defence system is absolutely necessary. A security system monitors all incoming and outgoing connections to our network or computer. In order to achieve even greater security against cyber attacks, we also use other external security services on our devices in addition to standardised security systems. Unauthorised data transmissions are thus better prevented and this is how we protect ourselves from cybercrime.
The data that is collected and stored of course depends on the respective service. However, we always try to only use programs that collect data very sparingly or only store data that is necessary for the fulfilment of the offered service. In general, the service may store data such as name, address, IP address, email address and technical data such as browser type or browser version. Any performance and log data may also be collected in order to identify possible incoming threats in good time. This data will be processed as part of the provided services and in compliance with applicable laws. This also includes the GDPR for US providers (via the Standard Contractual Clauses). In some cases, security services also work with third parties who may store and/or process data under instructions and in accordance with privacy policies and other security measures. Data is usually stored using cookies.
We will inform you below about the duration of data processing, provided we have further information on this. For example, security programs store data until you or we revoke data storage. In general, personal data is only stored for as long as is absolutely necessary for the provision of the services. Unfortunately, in many cases, we do not have precise information from the providers about their data storage periods.
You also have the right and the option to revoke your consent to the use of cookies or third-party security software at any time. This can be done either via our cookie management tool or via other opt-out functions. For example, you can also prevent data collection through cookies by managing, deactivating or erasing the cookies in your browser.
Since cookies may also be used with security services, we recommend you read our privacy policy on cookies. To find out exactly which of your data is stored and processed, you should read the privacy policies of the respective tools.
We use security services mainly on the basis of our legitimate interests (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR) in a good security system and protection against various cyber attacks.
Certain data processing requires your consent – in particular, the use of cookies and security functions. If you have agreed to the processing and storage of your data by integrated security services, your consent is the legal basis for data processing (Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR). Most of the services we use set cookies on your browser to store data. We, therefore, recommend you read our privacy policy on cookies carefully and consult the privacy policy or cookie policy of the relevant service provider.
Information on special tools – if available – can be found in the following sections.
Google reCAPTCHA Privacy Policy Overview 👥 Affected parties: website visitors 🤝 Purpose: Service optimisation and protection against cyber attacks 📓 Processed data: data such as IP address, browser information, operating system, limited location and usage data You can find more details on this in the Privacy Policy below. 📅 Storage duration: depending on the retained data ⚖️ Legal bases: Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent), Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests) |
Our primary goal is to provide you an experience on our website that is as secure and protected as possible. To do this, we use Google reCAPTCHA from Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheater Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA). With reCAPTCHA we can determine whether you are a real person from flesh and bones, and not a robot or a spam software. By spam we mean any electronically undesirable information we receive involuntarily. Classic CAPTCHAS usually needed you to solve text or picture puzzles to check. But thanks to Googles reCAPTCHA you usually do have to do such puzzles. Most of the times it is enough to simply tick a box and confirm you are not a bot. With the new Invisible reCAPTCHA version you don’t even have to tick a box. In this privacy policy you will find out how exactly this works, and what data is used for it.
reCAPTCHA is a free captcha service from Google that protects websites from spam software and misuse by non-human visitors. This service is used the most when you fill out forms on the Internet. A captcha service is a type of automatic Turing-test that is designed to ensure specific actions on the Internet are done by human beings and not bots. During the classic Turing-test (named after computer scientist Alan Turing), a person differentiates between bot and human. With Captchas, a computer or software program does the same. Classic captchas function with small tasks that are easy to solve for humans but provide considerable difficulties to machines. With reCAPTCHA, you no longer must actively solve puzzles. The tool uses modern risk techniques to distinguish people from bots. The only thing you must do there, is to tick the text field “I am not a robot”. However, with Invisible reCAPTCHA even that is no longer necessary. reCAPTCHA, integrates a JavaScript element into the source text, after which the tool then runs in the background and analyses your user behaviour. The software calculates a so-called captcha score from your user actions. Google uses this score to calculate the likelihood of you being a human, before entering the captcha. reCAPTCHA and Captchas in general are used every time bots could manipulate or misuse certain actions (such as registrations, surveys, etc.).
We only want to welcome people from flesh and bones on our side and want bots or spam software of all kinds to stay away. Therefore, we are doing everything we can to stay protected and to offer you the highest possible user friendliness. For this reason, we use Google reCAPTCHA from Google. Thus, we can be pretty sure that we will remain a “bot-free” website. Using reCAPTCHA, data is transmitted to Google to determine whether you genuinely are human. reCAPTCHA thus ensures our websites and subsequently your security. Without reCAPTCHA it could e.g. happen that a bot would register as many email addresses as possible when registering, in order to subsequently “spam” forums or blogs with unwanted advertising content. With reCAPTCHA we can avoid such bot attacks.
reCAPTCHA collects personal user data to determine whether the actions on our website are made by people. Thus, IP addresses and other data Google needs for its reCAPTCHA service, may be sent to Google. Within member states of the European Economic Area, IP addresses are almost always compressed before the data makes its way to a server in the USA. Moreover, your IP address will not be combined with any other of Googles data, unless you are logged into your Google account while using reCAPTCHA. Firstly, the reCAPTCHA algorithm checks whether Google cookies from other Google services (YouTube, Gmail, etc.) have already been placed in your browser. Then reCAPTCHA sets an additional cookie in your browser and takes a snapshot of your browser window.
The following list of collected browser and user data is not exhaustive. Rather, it provides examples of data, which to our knowledge, is processed by Google.
Google may use and analyse this data even before you click on the “I am not a robot” checkmark. In the Invisible reCAPTCHA version, there is no need to even tick at all, as the entire recognition process runs in the background. Moreover, Google have not given details on what information and how much data they retain.
The following cookies are used by reCAPTCHA: With the following list we are referring to Googles reCAPTCHA demo version at
For tracking purposes, all these cookies require a unique identifier. Here is a list of cookies that Google reCAPTCHA has set in the demo version:
Name: IDE
Value: WqTUmlnmv_qXyi_DGNPLESKnRNrpgXoy1K-pAZtAkMbHI-123654789-8
Purpose: This cookie is set by DoubleClick (which is owned by Google) to register and report a user’s interactions with advertisements. With it, ad effectiveness can be measured, and appropriate optimisation measures can be taken. IDE is stored in browsers under the domain
Expiry date: after one year
Name: 1P_JAR
Value: 2019-5-14-12
Purpose: This cookie collects website usage statistics and measures conversions. A conversion e.g. takes place, when a user becomes a buyer. The cookie is also used to display relevant adverts to users. Furthermore, the cookie can prevent a user from seeing the same ad more than once.
Expiry date: after one month
Name: ANID
Value: U7j1v3dZa1236547890xgZFmiqWppRWKOr
Purpose: We could not find out much about this cookie. In Google’s privacy statement, the cookie is mentioned in connection with “advertising cookies” such as “DSID”, “FLC”, “AID” and “TAID”. ANID is stored under the domain
Expiry date: after 9 months
Purpose: This cookie stores the status of a user’s consent to the use of various Google services. CONSENT also serves to prevent fraudulent logins and to protect user data from unauthorised attacks.
Expiry date: after 19 years
Name: NID
Value: 0WmuWqy123654789zILzqV_nmt3sDXwPeM5Q
Purpose: Google uses NID to customise advertisements to your Google searches. With the help of cookies, Google remembers your most frequently entered search queries or your previous ad interactions. Thus, you always receive advertisements tailored to you. The cookie contains a unique ID to collect users personal settings for advertising purposes.
Expiry date: after 6 months
Name: DV
Value: gEAABBCjJMXcI0dSAAAANbqc123654789-4
Purpose: This cookie is set when you tick the “I am not a robot” checkmark. Google Analytics uses the cookie personalised advertising. DV collects anonymous information and is also used to distinct between users.
Expiry date: after 10 minutes
Note: We do not claim for this list to be extensive, as Google often change the choice of their cookies.
Due to the integration of reCAPTCHA, your data will be transferred to the Google server. Google have not disclosed where exactly this data is stored, despite repeated inquiries. But even without confirmation from Google, it can be assumed that data such as mouse interaction, length of stay on a website or language settings are stored on the European or American Google servers. The IP address that your browser transmits to Google does generally not get merged with other Google data from the companys other services.
However, the data will be merged if you are logged in to your Google account while using the reCAPTCHA plug-in. Googles diverging privacy policy applies for this.
If you want to prevent any data about you and your behaviour to be transmitted to Google, you must fully log out of Google and delete all Google cookies before visiting our website or use the reCAPTCHA software. Generally, the data is automatically sent to Google as soon as you visit our website. To delete this data, you must contact Google Support at
If you use our website, you agree that Google LLC and its representatives automatically collect, edit and use data.
Please note that when using this tool, your data can also be stored and processed outside the EU. Most third countries (including the USA) are not considered secure under current European data protection law. Data to insecure third countries must not simply be transferred to, stored and processed there unless there are suitable guarantees (such as EU’s Standard Contractual Clauses) between us and the non-European service provider.
If you have consented to the use of Google reCAPTCHA, your consent is the legal basis for the corresponding data processing. According to Art. 6 Paragraph 1 lit. a GDPR (consent) your consent is the legal basis for the processing of personal data, as can occur when processed by Google reCAPTCHA.
We also have a legitimate interest in using Google reCAPTCHA to optimise our online service and make it more secure. The corresponding legal basis for this is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests). Nevertheless, we only use Google reCAPTCHA if you have given your consent to it.
Google processes data from you, among other things, in the USA. Google is an active participant in the EU-US Data Privacy Framework, which regulates the correct and secure transfer of personal data from EU citizens to the USA. More information can be found at
Additionally, Google uses so-called Standard Contractual Clauses (Article 46(2) and (3) GDPR). Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) are template clauses provided by the EU Commission and are designed to ensure that your data complies with European data protection standards, even when transferred and stored in third countries (such as the USA). Through the EU-US Data Privacy Framework and the Standard Contractual Clauses, Google commits to maintaining the European data protection level when processing your relevant data, even if the data is stored, processed, and managed in the USA. These clauses are based on an implementing decision of the EU Commission. You can find the decision and the corresponding Standard Contractual Clauses here:
You can find the Google Ads Data Processing Terms, which refer to the Standard Contractual Clauses, at:
You can find out a little more about reCAPTCHA on Google’s web developer page at Google goes into the technical development of the reCAPTCHA in more detail here, but you will look in vain for detailed information about data storage and data protection issues. A good overview of the basic use of data by Google can be found in the in-house data protection declaration at
Audio & Video Privacy Policy Overview 👥 Affected parties: website visitors 🤝 Purpose: service optimisation 📓 Processed data: Data such as contact details, user behaviour, device information and IP addresses can be stored. You can find more details in the Privacy Policy below. 📅 Storage period: data are retained for as long as necessary for the provision of the service ⚖️ Legal bases: Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent), Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (legitimate interests) |
We have integrated audio and video elements to our website. Therefore, you can watch videos or listen to music/podcasts directly via our website. This content is delivered by service providers and is obtained from the respective providers’ servers.
Audio and video elements are integrated functional elements of platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo or Spotify. It is usually free of charge to use these portals, but they can also contain paid content. With the integrated elements, you can listen to or view any of their content on our website.
If you use audio or video elements on our website, your personal data may get transmitted to as well as processed and retained by service providers.
We of course want to provide you with the best offer on our website. And we are aware that content is no longer just conveyed in text and static images. Instead of just giving you a link to a video, we offer you audio and video formats directly on our website. These are entertaining or informative, but ideally they are both. Our service therefore gets expanded and it gets easier for you to access interesting content. In addition to our texts and images, we thus also offer video and/or audio content.
When you visit a page on our website with e.g. an embedded video, your server connects to the service provider’s server. Thus, your data will also be transferred to the third-party provider, where it will be stored. Certain data is collected and stored regardless of whether you have an account with the third party provider or not. This usually includes your IP address, browser type, operating system and other general information about your device. Most providers also collect information on your web activity. This e.g. includes the session duration, bounce rate, the buttons you clicked or information about the website you are using the service on. This data is mostly stored via cookies or pixel tags (also known as web beacons). Any data that is pseudonymised usually gets stored in your browser via cookies. In the respective provider’s Privacy Policy, you can always find more information on the data that is stored and processed.
You can find out exactly how long the data is stored on the third-party provider’s servers either in a lower point of the respective tool’s Privacy Policy or in the provider’s Privacy Policy. Generally, personal data is only processed for as long as is absolutely necessary for the provision of our services or products. This usually also applies to third-party providers. In most cases, you can assume that certain data will be stored on third-party providers’ servers for several years. Data can be retained for different amounts of time, especially when stored in cookies. Some cookies are deleted after you leave a website, while others may be stored in your browser for a few years.
You also retain the right and the option to revoke your consent to the use of cookies or third-party providers at any time. This can be done either via our cookie management tool or via other opt-out functions. You can e.g. also prevent data retention via cookies by managing, deactivating or erasing cookies in your browser. The legality of the processing up to the point of revocation remains unaffected.
Since the integrated audio and video functions on our site usually also use cookies, we recommend you to also read our general Privacy Policy on cookies. You can find out more about the handling and storage of your data in the Privacy Policies of the respective third party providers.
If you have consented to the processing and storage of your data by integrated audio and video elements, your consent is considered the legal basis for data processing (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR). Generally, your data is also stored and processed on the basis of our legitimate interest (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR) in maintaining fast and good communication with you or other customers and business partners. We only use the integrated audio and video elements if you have consented to it.
We also use the YouTube IFrame Player to embed videos on our website. The provider of this service is the American company Google Inc. The responsible entity for the European region is the Irish company Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street Dublin 4, Irland).
Google processes data from you, among other things, in the USA. Google is an active participant in the EU-US Data Privacy Framework, which regulates the correct and secure transfer of personal data from EU citizens to the USA. More information can be found at
Additionally, Google uses so-called Standard Contractual Clauses (Article 46(2) and (3) GDPR). Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) are template clauses provided by the EU Commission and are designed to ensure that your data complies with European data protection standards, even when transferred and stored in third countries (such as the USA). Through the EU-US Data Privacy Framework and the Standard Contractual Clauses, Google commits to maintaining the European data protection level when processing your relevant data, even if the data is stored, processed, and managed in the USA. These clauses are based on an implementing decision of the EU Commission. You can find the decision and the corresponding Standard Contractual Clauses here:
You can find the Google Ads Data Processing Terms, which refer to the Standard Contractual Clauses, at:
You can find out more about Googles’ data processing in their privacy policy at
Video Conferencing & Streaming Privacy Policy Overview 👥 Affected parties: users of our video conferencing or streaming tools 🤝 Purpose: communication and presentation of content 📓 Processed data: Access statistics such as your name, address, contact details, email address, telephone number or IP address. You can find more details on this directly at the video conference or streaming tool that is being used. 📅 Storage duration: depending on the video conferencing or streaming tool ⚖️ Legal bases: Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR (consent), Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR (legitimate interests), Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR (contract) |
We use software programs that enable us to hold video conferences, online meetings, webinars and to utilise display sharing and/or streaming. In a video conference or a streaming, information is transmitted simultaneously via sound and moving images. With such video conference or streaming tools, we can communicate quickly and easily with customers, business partners, clients and employees via the Internet. Of course, when selecting the service provider, we consider the given legal framework.
Generally, third-party providers can process data as soon as you interact with the software program. Third-party video conference providers or streaming solutions use your data and metadata for different purposes. The data helps to e.g. make the tool more secure and to improve the service. Most of the time, the data may also be used for the respective third-party provider’s own marketing purposes.
We want to communicate digitally, quickly, easily and securely with you, our customers and our business partners. This works best with video conferencing solutions that are very easy to use. Most tools also work directly in your browser and with just a few clicks you can get right to your video meeting. The tools also offer helpful additional features such as chat and screen sharing functions or the possibility of sharing content between meeting participants.
If you join our video conference or streaming, your data will also be processed and stored on the servers of the respective service provider.
The exact data that gets stored depends on the respective software. Each provider stores and processes data differently. Generally, however, most providers store your name, address, contact details such as your email address or telephone number and your IP address. Information about the device you are using may also get stored, along with usage data, such as which websites you visit, when you visit a website or which buttons you click. Data that is shared within the video conference (photos, videos, texts) may also be retained.
Below we will inform you about the duration of the data processing of the service that is being used, provided we have further information on this. In general, we only process personal data for as long as is absolutely necessary to provide our services and products. Moreover, it is possible that the provider may store your data according to their own requirements, which we have no influence on.
You always have the right to information, rectification and erasure of your personal data. If you have any questions, you can always contact the person responsible for the respective video conferencing or streaming tool. You can find contact details either in our specific privacy policy or on the website of the relevant provider.
In your browser you can erase, deactivate or manage cookies that providers use for their functions. This works slightly different, depending on which browser you are using. Please note, however, that functions may not keep working as usual after doing so.
If you have consented to the processing and storage of your data by the respective video or streaming solution, this consent is the legal basis for data processing (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR). We may also offer a video conference as part of our services, if there has been a contractual agreement with you in advance (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR). Generally, your data is also stored and processed on the basis of our legitimate interest (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR) to maintain fast and good communication with you or other customers and business partners, provided you have priorly given consent. Most video or streaming solutions also place cookies in your browser to store data. We therefore recommend you to read our privacy policy about cookies carefully and to take a look at the privacy policy or the cookie policy of the respective service provider.
Provided it is available, you can find information on special video conference and streaming solutions in the following sections.
On our website we use Twitch, which is a live streaming portal for Videogames. The provider of this service is the American company Interactive, Inc., 350 Bush Street, 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104, USA.
Twitch also processes data in the USA, among other countries. We would like to note, that according to the European Court of Justice, there is currently no adequate level of protection for data transfers to the USA. This can be associated with various risks to the legality and security of data processing.
Twitch uses standard contractual clauses approved by the EU Commission as basis for data processing by recipients based in third countries (outside the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and especially in the USA) or data transfer there (= Art. 46, paragraphs 2 and 3 of the GDPR). These clauses oblige Twitch to comply with the EUs level of data protection when processing relevant data outside the EU. These clauses are based on an implementing order by the EU Commission. You can find the order and the clauses here:
You can find out more about the data processed by using Twitch in the Privacy Policy at
All texts are copyrighted.